05 May DNREC LEED certification
Lee Ann was charged with managing the LEED certification of the Richardson and Robbins Building, a 19th century cannery in downtown Dover.
At the time, she knew very little about the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design rating system. But she viewed it as an opportunity to learn more about sustainable building principles and practices.
The building is the headquarters of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. Ameresco, an energy services contractor, was hired to improve the energy performance of the building and lower costs. Working with them, Lee Ann assembled an internal team from every division within the department to work on the credits involved in achieving certification for LEED EBOM (Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance). They team addressed issues from sustainable purchasing to habitat protection to green cleaning while Ameresco installed new lighting and plumbing fixtures, a building automation system, HVAC and cooling tower upgrades, and various energy-efficiency measures.
The team developed surveys of building occupants and built awareness through regular electronic newsletters and promotions such as Green Commute Week, which featured an alternative commuting contest and a local good smorgasbord to capture the Sustainable Food credit. The project was finally certified in November 2016.
Meanwhile, Lee Ann earned her LEED Green Associate credential and went on to become Delaware’s first LEED Accredited Professional with the Neighborhood Development specialty. She also earned the Operations and Maintenance (O+M) certification in December 2013.
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